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Under Government guidelines, young people must now stay in education or training until the age of 18. This means that they have three options to choose from when they finish Year 11. These are...

  • Stay at school (sixth form)
  • Go to college & study full-time
  • Start a training programme (e.g., apprenticeship or traineeship)

Taking this next step can be difficult but there are options for you whatever your situation. This is why, Youth Connect South West has produced the 'Your Pathway' booklet, which can support you in making your decisions, and help to guide you to where you want to be. There is information about your next steps and, if you are unsure, it will help you find out who to get it touch with to figure it all out. 

If you would like to talk to someone about these opportunities, please refer to page 18 of the booklet for a list of contacts that can help.