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Education to employment

Education to Employment

Support from We Work for Everyone: Transition to Employment

I first learned about We Work for Everyone when an Employment Navigator visited my school, Fosse Way. During our initial meetings, they took the time to understand my needs and encouraged my transition from education to paid employment in a relaxed and friendly manner. Their support helped me build confidence in my abilities.

Despite facing challenges related to my Autism, including anxiety about leaving education, I was reassured that I had already demonstrated a strong work ethic and the ability to tackle new tasks. I was encouraged to be proud of my achievements so far.

I was fortunate to secure my first job application, following a cleaning work placement at Bath RUH. We Work for Everyone arranged a pre-start visit to Paulton Hospital to meet my future colleagues and become familiar with the hospital layout. I have been working at the hospital for several months, and the experience has been going very well. We Work for Everyone has also visited me a couple of times to check on my progress.