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Overcoming adversity

Overcoming Adversity
I faced significant challenges with mental health and heightened anxiety, compounded by a negative home environment. I felt trapped, unsupported, and disillusioned with my job search. The process was difficult, but connecting with the We Work for Everyone programme made a difference. The programme offered comprehensive support through various council and non-council initiatives.

Isolation to independence

Isolation to Independence
I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 13, and struggled to fit in at secondary school. The challenges became overwhelming, leading to feelings of extreme self-consciousness and suicidal thoughts. After leaving school in Year 9, I spent a decade living at home, isolated from everyone except my mum and sister. Eventually, I learned that I had an extreme anxiety disorder.

Education to employment

Education to Employment

Support from We Work for Everyone: Transition to Employment

I first learned about We Work for Everyone when an Employment Navigator visited my school, Fosse Way. During our initial meetings, they took the time to understand my needs and encouraged my transition from education to paid employment in a relaxed and friendly manner. Their support helped me build confidence in my abilities.

Back to work​

Back to Work

Support from We Work for Everyone: A Path to Employment

I was referred to We Work for Everyone by Bath DWP Job Centre. The Lead Project Officer then connected me with Motiv8 for initial support. Motiv8 encouraged me to apply for several jobs and to volunteer at a local British Heart Foundation shop. Since June 28th, 2023, I have been volunteering there every Thursday, which has significantly boosted my self-esteem and belief in my abilities.