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Rebuilt and rewired

Rebuilt and Rewired

Support from the Employment and Skills Pod

I worked in healthcare for over 10 years, but in recent years my mental health had suffered. I wanted to get back into work due to financial reasons but did not want to return to healthcare as the emotional cost and impact on my wellbeing was too high.

Overcoming obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

Support from the Employment and Skills Pod

I had several challenges that were making it difficult for me to return to work after 4 years of being unemployed. As a lone parent, I had limited access to childcare, a limited employment history, gaps in education, and some mental health issues.

Rebuilt and restored​

Rebuilt and Restored

Support from the Employment and Skills Pod

I went to the Employment and Skills Pod after being out of work for 4 months. My confidence had been impacted by difficult relationships with management in my previous role, and I struggled to see my skills and abilities.

Mind and method​

Mind and Method

Support from the Employment and Skills Pod

After being unemployed for six months, I was referred to the Employment and Skills Pod for support. My previous working environment had been toxic and stressful, negatively impacting my mental health. I felt anxious and overwhelmed.

Hope restored

Hope Restored

When I was struggling to afford rising living costs, I went to the Employment and Skills Pod for help finding a job to increase my income.

An Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Officer referred me to Citizens Advice for financial support, conducted a full benefits review, and provided ongoing support. They helped me regain my confidence to return to work.